- saw
- Synonyms and related words:Vandyke edge, adage, amputate, ana, analects, aphorism, apothegm, ax, axiom, backsaw, band saw, belt saw, bisect, bow, bow saw, bucksaw, butcher, buzz saw, byword, carve, catchword, chain saw, chop, circular saw, cleave, cockscomb, collected sayings, compass saw, coping saw, cordwood saw, crenation, crenelation, crenulation, crest, crosscut saw, current saying, cut, cut away, cut in two, cut off, deckle edge, denticulation, dentil, dentil band, diamond saw, dichotomize, dictate, dictum, dissever, distich, dogtooth, double-cut saw, dovetail saw, epigram, excise, expression, fiddle, fissure, frame saw, fretsaw, gash, gnome, golden saying, hack, hacksaw, halve, handsaw, helicoidal saw, hew, incise, jigsaw, keyhole saw, lance, maxim, meat saw, mill saw, moral, mot, motto, notching, oracle, panel saw, pare, phrase, pit saw, pithy saying, play violin, portable saw, power saw, precept, prescript, proverb, proverbial saying, proverbs, prune, pruning saw, rend, rickrack, ripsaw, rive, rock saw, saw knife, saw machine, saw teeth, saying, scallop, scissor, scrape, scribe saw, scroll saw, sentence, sententious expression, serration, sever, slash, slice, slit, sloka, snip, split, splitsaw, stock saying, sunder, sutra, table saw, teaching, tear, text, two-handed saw, verse, vertical saw, whipsaw, whittle, wire saw, wisdom, wisdom literature, wise saying, witticism, wood saw, word, words of wisdom
Moby Thesaurus. Grady Ward. 1996.